Gifts boxes full of hugs, kisses & love for my Mom on her birthday. She says it's the most 'beautimous' card she's even received...don't all Moms say that every year?!!
I knew we wouldn't be home to pass out candy, but I felt compelled to do something Halloween-y, even though it's my least favorite "holiday". So I whipped up a couple of custom cards for my birds; the third card, which I forgot to photograph, was mailed earlier in the week - it was adorned with a black cat & bats!
I used a line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Whoever lives true life, will live true love. - for the front of the card because she has a great track record for saying the right thing.
The red envelope holds 4 customized music CDs I compiled to entertain my sister, who in turn will no doubt entertain her new husband!
I hope they like the handmade portions of their wedding gift, despite the creations, not Elizabeth's sentiment!!
Thanks to everyone who admired and complimented this hastily created shoulder bag I wore during the Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary. Your interest has me at the machine designing several versions for sale; made with love, not haste! Email me for more information at highwayroyalty[at]gmail[dot]com.
This was my first clothes sewing project in many, many years; made with love for my daughter B. who ended up customizing it by removing the cap sleeves - if she only knew what I went through to figure those out!!